- 11 grams of freshly roasted coffee, 15 lbs of tamping pressure, 22 seconds of extraction, resulting in... a perfect pull of espresso. This feat is accomplished under the watchful eye of Keito Inamine. Keito is the Head Barista of the newly opened Vongo and Anchor cafe/Deli in American village located a 20min walk (8 mins drive) out of Gate 1 of Kadena AFB.
Following the Pacific Northwest (USA) pattern of cafes, VA is filled to the brim with sturdy USA made products. Finex cast iron pans filled with deli creations, Portland Brewing growlers line the wall as you gape at the industrial machinery acting as a presentation table for Mason jars with leather handles. The overall theme is an amalgamation of coffee shop turned mechanic garage. The result is an incredibly relaxed and creative space to enjoy an exquisitely crafted espresso.
The atmosphere of VA is further enhanced by its steampunk look, with Tesla bulbs in every lighting fixture and exposed mechanical spaces. This steampunk look does nothing to detract from the laid back vibe as the wall to ceiling windows and outdoor bar seating are allow for more a beautiful amount of light to dispel any signs of gloom.
VA ensures you won't leave hungry with is full collection of pastries and Deli options including a full lunch/ light dinner option of 8 separate deli items with soup, bread and a coffee.
The amount of work that goes into every dish and drink is indicative of the work ethic found in many if not most of the local shops, cafes and restaurants Okinawa. The latte art alone is worth a visit with various designs being brought to life by the skillful hands of the highly talented baristas.
If you are stopping in Okinawa, live here or are fortunate enough to be stationed here, then VA is a must visit. The staff are extremely experienced, the quality is superlative and the view is fantastic.